by Ninu | Aug 18, 2021 | Articles
You may not be aware of the potential of your rural-zoned property. Have you had a chat with your #Council about what you can and cannot do, under the #PlanningScheme? It could be worth your while. Many #ruralproperties might be permitted a #seconddwelling,...
by Ninu | Aug 18, 2021 | Articles
Many people looking to break a piece of land into #SmallerLots want to have a structure that enables pre-sale. Sometimes this is a small area and a few lots, other times it’s larger and involves many lots. The owner would like to have a safe structure that protects...
by Ninu | Aug 18, 2021 | Articles, sales
#TenureSolutions has recently helped a couple to add value to their property, both by providing separate saleable title to several cabin sites approved for their property, and giving them an opportunity to create a saleable business as a going concern. They already...
by Ninu | Aug 18, 2021 | Articles
#TenureSolutions has recently completed provision of #Title for four units within a single existing structure on a piece of land zoned Rural in a lovely spot overlooking the Gold Coast. Each unit is approved for letting, and there’s a variety of sizes – 217 m², 92 m²,...
by Ninu | Jul 14, 2020 | Articles
Tenure Solutions FAQ By applying Company Title, Tenure Solutions has establish separate title to a Granny Flat in situations where Subdivision Title cannot. This means that title can be set up to a Granny Flat that provides exclusive rights to occupancy, can be sold...
by Ninu | Jul 10, 2020 | Articles
Company Title has been supporting tenure in Australia for a very long time, operating in parallel with other, currently more used, forms of title. Company Title operates under Commonwealth legislation whereas Subdivision and Strata/Community Title operate under the...
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