Providing for Succession

Providing for Succession

Sometimes issues around succession are problematic for families and cause real difficulties in estates. For several clients, Tenure Solutions has been able to clarify and set out intentions of parents for division of their property between children, thus removing some...
Providing for Succession


Providing for Succession Sometimes issues around succession can be problematic for families and cause real difficulties in estates. For several clients, Tenure Solutions has been able to clarify and set out parents’ intentions for division of their property between...
Some more equal

Some more equal

SEVERAL FORMS OF LAND TITLE ARE EQUALLY EFFECTIVE AS WELL AS EQUALLY LEGAL has been supporting tenure in Australia for a very long time. It operates in parallel with other, currently more used, forms of title such as. Company Title operates under Commonwealth...
Tenure Solutions FAQ

Tenure Solutions FAQ

Q: My solicitor has never heard about Company Title. Q: My solicitor advises against Company Title saying it’s over-ridden by the Titles Office. A: There are two major forms of title to land which ensure that a person purchasing land is able to acquire a secure title...
Costs and speed

Costs and speed

Benefits in cost and speed of completion Company Title is proving to be quicker to prepare and deliver and to cost less than Subdivision Title or Strata Title. In some situations, the all-up cost of Company Title comes in at one quarter of Subdivision Title and the...
Cash in pocket

Cash in pocket

Free up some cash from your property If you are sitting on some land – whether a 50ha rural property or a suburban house block, you may be able to apply Company Title and set aside title to a part of your land for sale. In some circumstances, Company Title has...