Create a simple and inexpensive pathway to a pre-sales system for off-plan developments. Prepare for later subdivision without needing council approval. Start pre-selling without huge expenses.
Tenure Solutions. More ways to subdivide. We offer Licence/Lease and Company Title solutions as well as council approved subdivision and community title / strata title where dual occupancies allow. We also project manage council approved subdivision or community / strata title processes.
We have flexible, affordable, innovative and diverse solutions for subdividing your property.
Don’t be put off by your local planning scheme. We have solutions designed for landowners to subdivide land or buildings.
Yes, you can subdivide; discuss with us. Our solutions can be faster than traditional subdivision with council approval.
Suites and commercial spaces in office buildings, and units in apartment buildings, can be separately titled. With Company Title or Licence/Lease, separate ownership of suites or units can be created.

Key Services

Tenure Solutions creates innovative ways to subdivide, share, occupy and use, and sell personal and commercial property assets, including land and buildings. We have wide-ranging skills, a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of alternate property tenures. We solve property problems quickly and often at a lower cost. We identify and un-block frustrations and subdivisional rejections under council planning schemes.

We provide flexible, affordable and innovative opportunities for you to own and sell all or parts of your land or building/s in ways you’ve only ever dreamt about. Imagine:

Subdividing your property, selling some off and using the cash for something you’ve wanted for a long time. Or tucking some away in your super. Even if council currently is refusing permission.
Subdivide your rural land and sell part for a weekender.
Subdivide sellable lots, just the right size for tourist cabins, without the need to obtain council approval.
Setting up and selling tourist cabins on your country property.
Creating ownership of a separate wheelchair-friendly area in a house in the inner suburbs.
Divide individual flats in your six-pack or apartment block into separate titles for sale.
For sale, divide individual rooms in a big house into saleable living units, with shared common facilities.
Create lots smaller than council will permit, for a tiny house or caravan, for you or others to own.
Without needing council approval, subdivide a portion of land with a granny flat that your family no longer needs, and sell it.
You can subdivide buildings such as suites in an aged-friendly facility, or an over-fifties residential complex.
Succession worries? Subdivide your property to leave separately to your kids; plus innovative title opportunities for Millennials and GenZ.
Property Reports - including free property information reports and town planning reports

There are diverse, affordable, innovative ways to subdivide your property. This works with commercial and residential buildings, and rural and urban land. We specialise in several forms of property tenure including subdivision through council, strata title/community title, and company title and lease/license. We solve problems and unblock impediments. You can contribute to solving the housing crisis.

We have developed secure processes to give you the form of title to individual lots that you intend.

Call Ian (0411600712) or Eddie (0423747179) or email an enquiry (for a free property report) to discuss your options in working with Tenure Solutions expertise. Start off being creative with your land or building.

We at Tenure Solutions take great care to explore with you what your requirements are, the outcomes you need, then we work through and implement the best approach. These are but some titling examples – there’s a vast range of possibilities.

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So contact us to discuss whether you have opportunities through Tenure Solutions, to be creative with your land or building.

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How can we help you?

Tenure Solutions enables you to subdivide your land or your building into separate saleable titles through one of several pathways. Depending your needs, we can advise on the best solution. We provide free property reports and town planning reports. It may be best to implement a secure, company-based legal mechanism; it might be best to go for strata title.

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Subdivision for own occupation or sale of property or parts of property – land, office suites or units in apartment buildings – has traditionally been a drawn-out and often arduous, if not impossible process. Mostly, it’s relied on a couple of approaches that seem to be pre-ferred because everyone uses them. However, a longstanding Commonwealth Act allows alternate approaches that have benefited many Australians over the past century.

To meet your needs, we bring three things together. First, a thorough understanding of exactly what you want, dream, desire, or require. Second, a thorough understanding of the best method/s to meet your intentions. Third, we bring together the depth of experi-ence and expertise needed to work this through to a tenure solution.

All our property work meets Australian legal and practice standards. Operating Australia-wide, we provide technical expertise on various property tenure matters – on time, on budget, and with optimal outcomes. There are a couple of approaches to dividing up inter-ests in land and buildings that seem to be the ‘go to’ solutions for many property and de-velopment professionals. This isn’t good enough; there are other valid approaches. We at Tenure Solutions firmly believe that our clients deserve an open mind, a willingness to look at the best solution and whether a combination of approaches will best suit.

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Tell Us What Your Request Is About

1. Division of land zoned rural or rural residential - free property report.
2. Advice about the best way to divide land or a building into separate lots.
3. Dividing land or a building, to provide for family succession.
4. Division of land zoned urban for sale of individual suburban blocks.
5. Dividing off and setting up for sale a lot with an existing second dwelling.
6. Dividing a highrise or six-pack into saleable units – flats, units or apartments.
7. A ‘due diligence’ report on a property - free property reports and town planning reports.
8. Innovative commercial solutions for dividing up titles to land, a dwelling or a building.
9. Separate title to a granny flat.
10. Or something else.

How We’re Different?

Our team provide clients with choices and recommendations for subdividing residential and commercial property. We customise the best approach. We’re innovative and have deep understanding of conventional and evolving methods of property tenures and interests.

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To navigate the complexity of property tenure matters we can provide a customised solu-tion, whatever your individual need is, as owner.

Whether you require an alternative to traditional subdivision or strata title for your land or building, are setting up property succession to apportion individual areas for family mem-bers, want separate title for a granny flat or want to separate out separate rooms in a dwelling for individual ownership with shared facilities, our team can assist.

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what people are saying about us

"I've known Bryan McLennan of Tenure Solutions for years and I am happy to recommend their services. In fact, Bryan did the original survey on my property. We're now currently working together on the best way to apply a company title solution to provide more ownership flexibility; I really value the excellent advice and support I'm getting from Bryan and his colleagues.

George Johnson, Secrets on the Lake, Montville, Queensland


"All we wanted was to stitch off a corner of our land for our son to build a home and of course he didn't want to put a lot of money into our property. We had ran into all sorts of problems, told we couldn't do it, told it would cost us a bomb and take for ever. The folk at Tenure Solutions worked it through for us, set it up perfectly, cost was very reasonable and it only took a month or so. Very happy."

Elaine Tenor, via Beaudesert, Queensland


"Tenure Solutions offered a valuable and effective service when I was looking to set aside and get some money for a few small areas of my property in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

I'd been frustrated by rules and planning requirements that in effect prevented me from doing what I wanted. Tenure Solutions had the answers."

Ken Schroder, Stradbroke Island, Queensland


“When we got married, we soon discovered, after much searching that we were never going to afford an inner-city place of our own. We partnered with a like-minded couple with two young kids, to purchase a small vacant lot and design and build a house on it.

Both couples have our own “house within the house” as we say, in our own right, in which we are both raising our families, and we’re growing our own home-based business. Tenure Solutions knew their stuff and provided us with the framework to realise these dreams."

Sarah and Ivan Eriksen, Highgate Hill, Queensland


“The Tenure Solutions team came up with the answer we’d been looking for: we wanted to bequeath our property to our two kids with equal shares. With Tenure Solutions apportioning the property into three (one for us and one for each of the kids), we provided our kids with an asset they could borrow against to build their own ‘pavilion house’. We gave them a start in life and provided for a smooth transmission when we pass away."

Paul & Dale Vaille


“We had established and successfully operated our rural resort for over twenty years. None of our kids were at all interested in taking on the business, and we couldn’t find a buyer for the entire property at the right price. The people at Tenure Solutions were very helpful and came up with a way forward and the opportunity to sell off shares in the cabins and suites. We kept the big house because we loved the place and we retained the property rental and management rights which provide us with a steady income in our ‘retirement’."

Merv and Isobel Morrison, Tweed Region, North New South Wales


Tenure Solutions is expert in providing our clients with customised pathways to divide, occupy, share and trade in commercial and personal property assets.

Contact Us

Tenure Solutions

email: Website:
Phone: 0423 747 179

PO Box 2037
Graceville East, QLD 4057.

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